Thursday, February 13, 2014


Hilarious that our last post was in September and hilarious that we always tell ourselves we'll be better bloggers. I won't kid around, finding time to blog is hard. Everyone says it, but it couldn't be more true.

But... I'm in the mood to be a better blogger, better creative person and better business owner. AND, yesterday I pulled my head up out of my little sandy hole and realized that Friday is VALENTINE'S DAY.


Wasn't it just Christmas? And before that... wasn't it just Valentine's Day? I won't even act like I was alone in forgetting it... especially since had you seen us at 2:30pm yesterday burning rubber in to the drugstore parking lot to buy last-minute Valentines for Susie's youngest... you'd gather that we haven't given much thought to the holiday.

But we're getting in the spirit  by digging through our virtual stacks of images and relishing in some of our favorite rooms that used pink. And then we got even crazier (yes, crazy) and went off topic in to clothes and other beautiful things. I'm a sucker for some of the Valentine's-inspired things in stores too (have you seen the adorable bowls at West Elm?).

In all honesty (as if you can't already tell), I'm not much for this holiday, but pinks like these are something I can really get behind...

Ending on that good Marchesa note... 

All the best,
