Leah Ball-Steen at Revival Home and Garden was featured in this month's Sunset magazine! Congratulations to her! I've been waiting for the issue to come out because it's always so exciting when a local gal gets published and she's so darn nice too boot, so I thought I'd share it for anyone who hasn't seen her fun house. You should really read the article, because it's a great example of before and after in our inflated Seattle housing market. Great job, Leah -- so excited for you!
You know I'm a sucker for boxwoods and these make me swoon. Not the mention how they changed the entire look of the house. Leah has southern roots - can you tell?
That's a great nook -- more banquet seating working hard for the money.
This picture looks like it could have been taken somewhere far more civilized than a backyard. I keep expecting a county club waiter to come out with ice teas because it's all so manicured and lovely. What an awesome backyard dining area.
This is her kitchen island, salvaged from a candy-making shop. I think it's gorgeous. And is that a Top Pot Feather Boa donut I spy? Yum!
Every home (or office) needs a bar. I love this chest -- something you would not find just any ol' place.
Thanks for the wonderful mention, Susie! Hopefully you can see it all in person one of these days.