Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No pants, No Shoes, No Service

My family tells me that my house has "no rules." I don't understand what they are talking about...

Hmmmm. This is just a typical day in my house. I turned around from furniture scouting for a client and my six year-old was helping himself to a milkshake. Without ANY pants. Just shirt and black socks. Brooks can rock that look like no other.

The good news though is that my house is the testing ground for all my clients. If I tell you it will hold up, chances are, I know all too well. Because either someone has pooped on it (dog or babies) , spilled wine on it (me), kicked a ball against it (my oldest) or rammed his head into it (my youngest).

This is no ordinary house! It's hard for my neat-nick husband, but good for you. Pray that we make it until college in one piece.

(photo credit is thanks to my husband @directorius -- always johnny-on-the-spot with the camera)

1 comment:

  1. I was laughing out loud at this post...because I can absolutely relate to all of those experiences and testing out everything to be child/dog friendly! Fun - thanks for the laughs!
