Monday, March 16, 2009

Would you make a u-turn for these?

I did.

I was driving on a busy arterial when I saw these sitting on the side of the road with a "FREE" sign. I asked my friend if she was okay with me turning around to pick up the chairs on the side of the road. I whipped a u-turn and drove back as fast as I could so no one else would get them. You may think I was crazy... I'm sure my friend did! But, I had been looking for a set of old butterfly chairs for over three years when these appeared. I could tell that they would be great once you stripped off the old fabric and refinished the wood. They don't make furniture frames like they used too (The curved backs of these are solid wood). Sometimes it's better to reupholster and refinish than buy new just based on the quality of the frame. Unless, of course, you are buying Baker or George Smith.

Want to know what they look like now????

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