I've been crazy for the Antelope rug by Stark for years. While I love zebra, (and you know I think every room should have a little zebra) I'm loving the antelope rug for it's warm neutral background. It really goes with any color and makes a room look current, chic and casual all at once. Best of all - you'd never see any spills on this rug. It's the perfect family friendly accessory.
Here are some examples of it's beauty...

Ruthie Sommers

Sally Wheat via Cote de Texas
Please, clients, will one of you humor me and love this rug as much as I do?
I do love it as much as you do! I don't like it with too many dark lines in it because then it becomes too stripy. I LOVE it on the staircase and in the nursery on cote de texas http://lh6.ggpht.com/_t8-Y4w1UKrc/TPfC2HGWgPI/AAAAAAAA9IA/isgwNv6wNws/s1600-h/image26.png
I don't think I'm brave enough to use it in my own house though- I do live in a conservative town in Western NY!
I love it. I own it. In my master bedroom.
mb from Dallas
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